We want plumbers to feel proud of the special place they hold in our community.
Plumbers are the guardians of safe drinking water. Safe sewerage disposal and connections are what allow our cities to function at all. Plumbers are also instrumental in protecting our environment, ensuring sewage and industrial waste do not end up in our rivers and streams. Gas fitters ensure our homes and hot water are heated safely. Our governments understand the importance of safe and reliable plumbing, so much so, plumbing is maintained as a licenced trade.
What insults and undermines the role of plumbers is suppliers selling plumbing and gas equipment to DIY-ers. Large chain plumbing suppliers and hardware stores treat plumbers with contempt when they happily sell gear to unqualified individuals.At Plumbers Choice we will never sell to the general public.
With the support from plumbers we can make plumbing great again!
Luke Bolton
Director, Plumbers Choice