DualPex With Masonry Nail Per 100
DualPex With Twisted Nail Per 100
DualPex With Self Drilling Screw Per 100
plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, metaltec, metaltek, metaltech, metal, steel, teck, phillips head, philips head, phillip, philip, tek screws, Doublebanger, double banger, DPEXSDS
Saddle for Pex Masonry Nail 16mm Per 100
plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, concrete, concret, wood, timber, hardwood, hammer in, wire nails, corrugated, corugated, masonary, Doublebanger, double banger, SPEXMN16
DualPex With Timber Screw Per 100
plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, bugle, bugel, needle point, phillips head, philips head, phillip, philip, countersunk, countersink, chipboard, wood, hardwood, zinc yellow, Doublebanger, double banger, DPEXTS
Saddle for Pex Masonry Nail 20mm Per 100
plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, concrete, concret, wood, timber, hardwood, hammer in, wire nails, corrugated, corugated, masonary, Doublebanger, double banger, SPEXMN20
Saddle for Pex Self Drilling Screw With Tab 16mm Per 100
plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, metaltec, metaltek, metaltech, metal, steel, teck, phillips head, philips head, phillip, philip, tek screws, Doublebanger, double banger, SPEXTBSDS16
DualPex Hex Head Duo Screw For Steel or Timber Per 100
tek tech, roofing screws, self drillers, tech, tek, galvanised, galvanized, plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, metaltec, metaltek, metaltech, metal, steel, teck, phillips head, philips head, phillip, philip, tek screws, Doublebanger, double banger, DPEXHSDS
DualPex With Tab With Self Drilling Screw Per 100
plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, metaltec, metaltek, metaltech, metal, steel, teck, phillips head, philips head, phillip, philip, tek screws, Doublebanger, double banger, DPEXTBSDS
Saddle for Pex Self Drilling Screw With Tab 20mm Per 100
plastec, couta, quickclip, quick clip, quickclicks, quick clicks, auspex clip, sharkbite, wasteland, clip, clips, reliance, saddles, sadles, artplastics, pex pipe, metaltec, metaltek, metaltech, metal, steel, teck, phillips head, philips head, phillip, philip, tek screws, Doublebanger, double banger, SPEXTBSDS20